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The future depends onwhat you do in the present
Man Standing in a Field

Group Therapy

Group Therapy

On-going groups are offered and new ones starting regularly.  A group generally consists of 6 members who meet weekly with Lorraine Andy, LCSW for an hour and a half to share, learn, process and experience new things that lead to personal growth.
Women's Empowerment Group
This group meets weekly for 90 minutes and is a closed group that processes issues relevant to women’s lives. A closed group is one in which members remain the same with no one leaving or joining until a specific time. In this group, members may leave or new ones join every 5 weeks.
Divorce Group
Men and women who are transitioning from being married to divorced or recnetly divorced,  the group is help weekly for 90 minutes. This is a closed group of 6 to process the feelings, challenges and rewards of their new lives. 
Please call Lorraine Andy, LCSW at (561)807-0303 for email her at lorraineandy@thecenterforallrelationships.com or more information about groups offered at The Center For All Relationships.